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VHS hillclimbs 2002

Buy the excellent products of FTJ video !

In cooperation with company FTJ video we offer high-quality videocassettes from Czech hill-climb racing. You can book them for a nice price via e-mail - krejci@vrchy.com

XXI. Zámecký vrch - Náměšť nad Oslavou

Catalogue number: 3009

Price: 10 Eur

Description: We begin traditionally hillclimb season on Zamecky vrch in Namest nad Oslavou. A lot of cameras always guarantee a big successful and it was also same here. You find all light and serious crack-ups at this videocassette which peppered this year’s class. You can look forward to it …

Duration: 45 minutes

Ústecká 21 - Ústí nad Orlicí

Catalogue number: 3008

Price: 10 Eur

Description: A very good filled race at the head of strong cars F 3000 or Italian representative of group CN. Dramatic situations did not escape from objective of cameras, for example flip of Libor Vinkler and his car BMW 2002. The cassette is interesting with quantity of dialogues. Jan Vonka describes his driving activity in his Porsche 911 GT3 R and you can see good shots from his car.

Duration: 45 minutes

Ecce Homo Šternberk

Catalogue number: 3007

Price: 10 Eur

Description: According to foreign producer there was made videocassette from European company Ecce Homo. Video cassette without commentary however it deals with all classes and groups which were representationed in this year’s class Ecce Homo. Petr Valek and others did not escape of cameras, they took care of excitement which is typical for motor-sport.

Duration: 90 minutes
Vzhůru Farinovou zatáčkou - Kohoutovice

Catalogue number: 3006

Price: 10 Eur

Description: Another race of Czech national championship – Vzhuru Farinovou zatackou (Upwards to Farina curve) takes place on departed range in Brno. FTJ video-rally together with arranging team Vonka racing prepared video document for you where this race is described in details. Otakar Kramsky won this race.

Duration: 45 minutes
PRIX OEZ Lanškroun

Catalogue number: 3004

Price: 10 Eur

Description: Videocassette from Albrechtice next to Lanskroun. This nearly one hour document is not without any dramatic moments on the route.

Duration: 50 minutes
Valašký klobúk - Vsetín

Catalogue number: 3005

Price: 10 Eur

Description: You can hear roating noise from this race thanks this videocassette from semi-final MCR in ZAV Valassky Klobuk 2002. This peaceful race was interspersed collective crash of racing cars and of course objectives of cameramen FTJ video-rally were not missing.

Duration: 45 minutes

Záskalí u Liberce

Catalogue number: 3003

Price: 10 Eur

Description: FTJ video-rally finished season 2002 in hillclimb racing with videocassette from Zaskali next to Liberec.

Unusual "Waterloo" took place round Liberec. Flip-flop of Michal Bazant on his new Fabia, double visit of side ditch presented by Evzen Majoros, calamity for BMW of Vonka racing and other rarities that were caught by cameramen of FTJ video-rally.

Two Toyota Corrolas of brothers Vojtech demonstrated a lovely show for viewers.

Duration: 45 minutes

The company FTJ video-rally has worked at scene of championship in Czech Republic – hill-climb racing since 2001.

Thanks to video cassettes of FTJ video-rally are Czech hill-climb racing getting on screens for viewers and racers not only in Czech Republic but also in Poland, Austria, Greece, Italy, Germany, Slovakia an USA.

FTJ video-rally produces video documents from every championship of Czech Republic. Every videocassette takes about cca 45 minutes.

What can video document bring to you?
Thanks to plenty of cameramen you can see all-important places on the route.
all important moments in every race
shots from racing cars
interviews with racers
technical commentary and dynamic music
graphically worked results
attractive cover and etc.

We create individual cuts for teams and racers which are front-ended above mentioned document.

FTJ video

Autor: Roman Krejčí  (Všechny články autora)
Rubrika: Video a zvuk  (Všechny články rubriky)

Článek publikován: 27.05.2003
Přečteno: 5919 x
Stránka aktualizována: 22.04.2021

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REDAKCE: Roman Krejčí All rights reserved, Ó 2002-2017

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