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Rechberg - Fotogalerie Pátek / Friday

Atmosféra před tréninkem

Literatura, odkazy, zdroje

Special thanks:
to organisators MSC Bruck for nice race and cool organisation
to Tonda Malý for having place in his car on the road to Rechberg and back to home
to Jirka Koubek for having place in his car during the weekend
to Krámský, Villorba Corse with Camarlinghi and Gazziero for keeping group CN alive
to Wagner, Öppinger, Brebsom, Beneš, Pregartner, Schwaiger, Iannielo, Galli, Brandi, Pailer, Petter... for showing us the most beautiful cars
to Bormolini, Bedini and Vardanega for having smile on their face when we meet :)
to all fan who came to see this race
to all who read this :)

Autor: Roman Krejčí  (Všechny články autora)
Rubrika: Fotogalerie  (Všechny články rubriky)

Článek publikován: 28.04.2006
Přečteno: 7602 x
Stránka aktualizována: 22.04.2021

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